Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Another post...

 I'm not going to say much...Just a lot on my mind these days with things changing and remembering what my therapist explained to me..."You have to look at the path that you are on, and decide whether or not it is fulfilling to you...Otherwise, make your choice and take care of your health." 

Basically, wise words spoken.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Another post from a few years ago...

 These were taken prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic and still stand the test of time. This was before I even turned 50yrs of age later that year.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Posting more work...

 Just posting more work...I don't know who will see, or maybe it won't be. I don't mind at all. As long it is out there for the time being. I have not been able to publish my photo books, and as it stands right now, they are all prototypes.

I'll get them out there in the future, sooner or later...

It's very apparent that if I had it my way, I wouldn't wear pants...LOL!

Monday, February 13, 2023

Another set of pictures from past projects...

 It's a refreshing feeling to be able to post again. I went a long time without posting for the simple factor that:

1) Most guys don't post or worked on projects as I have done in the past. Mostly because of the taboo issue, because male nudity is not widely accepted (unless you are gay), and the female body is not shamed as much as males are.

2) I've learned not to limit myself when it comes to being an artist and being nude is one of my favorite mediums of creating. 

I know the day is coming that I will have to stop and I will be only left with the body of work that I have created and collaborated with other photographers over the years. I can live with that...but ultimately, I just want to get back to basics. 2022 has been rough for me and I am glad it is behind me now.

Until the next time...more to follow.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Posting older work as I go...

 I decided to re-post the work that I have created over the last 16 years. I'll start with the recent few years and work my way back at times. I started out as a Fashion Model and gradually worked my way to being an Art Model as I got older. 

Originally, it was a challenge that was offered to me by a former colleague and it turned into a nice side gig for the last 15yrs.

I'll get back to it soon before I am too old to do it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Reclaiming the Future

 One of the unused shots from the shoot I did back in 2019. It was before my 49th Birthday at the time.

I will get back to both my Fashion and Art modeling, along with my Acting/Photography/Producing Career one day.


 Right now...I don't know how to explain or even give thought to the last few days...Especially, last week.

It was one of those weeks that one doesn't particularly care for, but, nonetheless you have to take the good with the bad in this life we all live. Last week, was just an experience. Through and through.

It has also made me think about my own future, and the things that I have to get rolling in order to build the future for myself and my girlfriend's family. My health is not all together, but I am getting there. After the crazy year of 2022, of taking care of family, getting infected with COVID-19 two more times, losing my house to my mother (to protect another family), and having to change my habits and ways because it isn't conducive for a family lifestyle. In private, alone, I can be myself, but those days are so far and few in between...It's okay...at least I was able to experience it for a few years before the major changes took place on my end.

Things will continue to evolve over time. I'm just thankful to be in a place of love and peace of mind with my girlfriend and her daughter.

It's been a while...

 Just been getting my head straight about a lot of things that I have going on in my life right now. For instance, I'll be married in a ...